Next, the handpiece is activated. You will feel a slight suction as your skin and glands are brought closer to the surface for maximum results.
To leave a message after-hours, call us on 0747677105, or send us a text message on 0413679328 and we will get back to you the next business day.

Sick of embarrassing sweat patches?
Sick of annoying body odour?
Tired of ruined clothes?
Can’t wear your favourite colours and materials?
Overusing deodorants & antiperspirants?

miraDry is now available in Townsville at North Queensland Sweat Clinic.

We offer an initial bulk billed consultation to all patients to discuss treatment options for focal Axillary, Palmar & Plantar hyperhidrosis, which include miraDry®, Iontophoresis and Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS).
Benefits of miraDry

miraDry is the only TGA-listed and FDA-cleared treatment that can permanately reduce underarm sweat and odour in as little as 1-2 treatments.
“First you will have a consultation with our lead physician to create a treatment plan. Then it’s quite simple:”

Finally, miraWave TM energy is delivered and the sweat and odour glands are destroyed. All the while, soothing cooling is applied to protect your skin.

Treatment Video
What is miraDry ®?
miraDry is the only non-invasive, TGA cleared procedure that safely eliminates underarm sweat and odour glands permanently.
Don’t I need sweat glands?
While your body does need sweat glands to cool itself, your body has 2-4 million sweat glands - only about 2% are found in your underarms. Eliminating this 2% of sweat glands using miraDry®, not affect your body’s ability to cool itself.
How does miraDry work?
miraDry uses a non-invasive handheld device to deliver precisely controlled electromagnetic energy beneath the underarm skin to the specific area where sweat glands are located, resulting in thermolysis (decomposition by heat) of the sweat glands. While the sweat glands are being eliminated through electromagnetic technology, the top layers of the skin are simultaneously cooled and protected. Sweat glands are not believed to grow back after treatment so the effect can be seen almost immediately and results are lasting. Some patients may only need one treatment but, for best results, two procedures spaced three months apart are recommended (occasionally a third treatment may be required.)
What happens during and after the procedure?
The miraDry procedure is performed in our clinic and typically takes over one hour. Local anesthesia (usually lignocaine/Adrenaline injections) will be administered before starting the treatment. Patients usually experience little to no discomfort during the procedure and there is minimal to no downtime afterward. Mild over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs are generally recommended for a few days. Most patients are able to return to normal activities or work right after the procedure, and can typically resume exercise within several days.
What results can I expect?
Usually immediately after treatment there will be no sweat at all in the area treated (100% dry). After 2 to 3 weeks, though, some sweating will return. This change in sweating output is due to post-treatment swelling and its dissipation. The amount of long-term sweat reduction achieved via miraDry treatment is varies. On average for hyperhidrosis patients, after two treatments, sweat is reduced by 82%. Very rarely, a person may have some sweat glands that are either too deep or too shallow for the microwave energy to reach (the microwave energy works in a zone 2mm to 5mm below the skin's surface, where most sweat glands reside).
Are there significant side effects?
Common and minor side effects of miraDry include underarm swelling, redness, and tenderness lasting for several days. Numbness and tingling can occur in the upper arm or armpit and may last longer. Very rarely tingling or weakness of fingers, burns causing scarring, and infection/abscess formation have been reported.
Who should not have the miraDry procedure?
You should not have miraDry if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an active infection, form keloid scars, have significant scar tissue or surgical scars in the underarm area, have difficulty with or allergy to local anaesthesia (lidocaine with epinephrine), have a cardiac pacemaker or other electronic implant.
How Much Do miraDry Treatments Cost?
The current cost of a miraDry treatment at our clinic is approximately $3,000. There are multiple factors that influence the total cost of your miraDry treatment, including:
- The clinical experience of your miraDry providers.
- Number of treatments required - Majority patients are satisfied by a single treatment, however If you choose to have a second treatment, it will be offered at a reduced price.
- We offer $250 discount to medical staff, medical practitioners, students and for bookings made within a week of consultation.
Is miraDry covered by Medicare?
Though it is TGA approved, the miraDry procedure is currently not covered by Medicare. The department of Veteran affairs may cover the cost of the treatment for Veteran Gold Card holders if deemed suitable by out treating physician.
Please fill out the form below or call our clinic reception to request a consultation.
To leave a message after-hours, call us on 0747677105, or send us a text message on 0413679328 and we will get back to you the next business day.